What Does ‘Available’ Mean?

Scott Gilman
8 min readApr 21, 2020

Trying to understand what goes into being, and becoming, emotionally available, to yourself, to someone else — and in a time of isolation.

Newly single, I wonder to myself when I’ll be ready to date again.

As I slog through the process of healing, I wonder if I can see myself being interested in women again. Or falling in love again. Or opening myself up to all that is wonderful and challenging about being in a relationship.

Will I be able to do that, and if, so how will I know when it’s time? When will I become emotionally available?

What does it even mean to be emotionally available?

And how, during a pandemic, with all its accompanying fears and anxieties, is anyone emotionally available?

To understand what emotional availability is, I tried to break down what it’s made of.

Honesty, With Yourself

Only you know how you are truly feeling. While your feelings, wants and desires, for yourself and within a relationship, will naturally change over time, you have to be able to determine what’s going on inside you.

This is more than not forcing your partner to be a mind reader, to leaving them with the impossible challenge of figuring you out. This is you doing the introspection and…



Scott Gilman

Thinking and writing about my place in the world, and making myself (and the world) a little bit better. I can be reached at scottmgilman@gmail.com.